Saturday, October 01, 2005

What's Next? People paying to use a torture chamber?

I came across this story about a rather remarkable restaurant in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Across the road from Tuol Sleng (the school turned prison during the Khmer Rouge reign of terror from 1975-79), a couple of aspiring restauranteurs have attempted to re-create the atmosphere of the Khmer Rouge with their theme restaurant. I don't know about you, but I'm not so sure that I would pay to sit at a restaurant where waiters and waitresses walk through with the black pajamas that were rampant during Pol Pot's rule of the country. Not to mention the fact that the menu strikes me as a bit odd - rice-water and leaves? Not to mention that the $6 price tag for a meal is a bit high for the country. Although, I suppose for foreigners wanting to learn about the history of the country, it might not be so bad. I don't expect to partake of it any time soon, though!


J. Smith said...

Apparently you have had several bots invade your blog, Teresa my dear. Well, I hadn't really predicted this new marketing technique, but I suppose it was inevitable. Now they can advertise to anyone who might read your blog on a daily/regular basis.

As far as this restaurant goes, I think it is at least creepy, if not morbid. Disrespectful was another possible term that came to mind. What's next? A theme restaurant near Auschwitz where the waiters dress in Nazi uniforms and feed you almost nothing? I know, that sounds horrible - I was giving the hypothetical to prove a point. This restaurant just seems too close to home to be wise.

Teresa said...

Yeah - it's a bit crazy. I delete the comments when I can. Kevin has gone to requiring people who actually exist to do one of those verification things. I may have to start that if things get too crazy!

Mols said...

Teresa, don't give people such ideas! I think that it might actually be possible that simply no one had thought of a paid torture chamber themed "amusement" park, yet. Somewhere out there, at this very minute, someone has started a blueprint though...