Friday, September 30, 2005

Awakened at the End of September!

Well, it's the end of September, so everyone who was waiting for the end of September to wake up (Green Day :)) can wake up!
So, I decided to write some thoughts at the end of the month. Here's the list:
1. Wednesday, or maybe Sunday night (or maybe even last Saturday morning), I was hit by a wave of nostalgia. I started thinking about childhood and the crazy things that my siblings and I did and about high school (as fun as it was, I really wouldn't want to do it again - college, maybe, high school, never). Anyway, I started thinking about how that time in my life really shaped how I am today. Although, I rather think I prefer to be on this side of it looking back than going through it again (don't mishear me, I really enjoy the experiences when they happen, but sometimes it's better to be looking back at them). And then I started thinking about how great I have it and how much God has blessed me. I have two parents who are just full of sense (now, at least, when I was in high school, they didn't make much sense to me - I must be getting old), two siblings who are unbelievably talented and intelligent and who are just a joy to be around (I haven't seen either of them in awhile, so that might have something to do with my warm feelings!), friends who support me and without whom I would definitely not be in the place I am (although, they're probably getting really tired of watching Law and Order with me!), and a wonderful church family. And, to top all that off, God has allowed me the privilege of dating a terrific, honorable guy who not only puts up with all my whining about law school, he puts up with the fact that I've gone off the deep end when it comes to the law. There are not enough hours in the day to relate all I've been blessed with, I've just named a few - a few of my treasures (Matt. 6:19-21).
2. I promised Court that I would use the word 'palpable' in one of my next posts. I fully intended to use it in last night's, but I completely forgot! So, here we go (and don't worry, there will be a way to use it that doesn't just give the word and a sentence using the word :)). Last night, I taught some people how to flowchart legal ideas. The rampant fear in the law school emanating from the 1L class is palpable. Ahh, I remember that year (how could I forget? It was only last year!). The late night studying, the cram sessions with my study group, the absolutely terrifying finals that loomed over me like Hurricane Rita loomed over Houston (of course, Hurricane Rita didn't hit Houston and finals hit me like a ton of bricks, so I'm not sure of the aptness of the analogy), the dread as we waited for grades to come out (although, that was a couple of weeks into the second semester - let me tell you, it would not be easy to quietly withdraw from law school after first semester grades come out - it's too late in the second semester). Ahhhh, how well do I remember last September. Of course, now it's easy to idealize, I'm sure it was worse than what I've described ;).
3. So, we're 6 weeks into the semester and I've got three complaints: 1. I haven't started my outlines yet. Now, this may not seem like such a bad thing, but since I've got other stuff going on this semester, I had planned to start a little early this year. Oh well, maybe next week. 2. I still don't understand a. what's going on in one of my classes and b. how this class is going to help me in the long run. I understand why I have to take it, but I don't understand how it will be helpful. 3. I'm taking the MPRE in November and I'm a bit scared of it (the same sort of palpable fear that is emanating from the 1L class!)
4. The new Law and Order season has begun! Many of you out there will not care. Many of you out there will think I'm a big nerd. Many of you will be right ;). (notice that I use the word 'you' in a very general, all-the-world sense rather than just directing this at the people who read my posts.) But, regardless of the many, I soldier on in the new season! What I like about Law and Order is that the longer I am in law school, the more flaws I see in it. I like to think of a good Tuesday or Wednesday night watching L&O (as it is affectionately called) as an issue-spotting exercise. The questions that come up? Can the police do that (many times yes, but I am a big fan of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments, call me a civil libertarian)? Is that the real way a trial is conducted? Oh the fun! (of course, I also like the story lines and seeing what happens, and, of course, the 'Jack McCoy moments' (for the older crowd, these are analogous to 'Perry Mason moments').) All you law students know what I'm talkin' 'bout!
5. Work - first of all, this is the type of stuff I could do my entire life - I really like the law - it's always changing and yet never changing. Quite the paradox, wouldn't you say? Allow me to explain. The courts, regardless of your judicial philosophy, do make the common law. And this, my friends, is not a bad thing. So, in one sense, it is changing as judges decide cases and controversies (U.S. Constitution, Article III). On the other hand, from time immemorial, people have always had some system of dispute resolution (the fact that we in America have chosen the adversarial, legal profession route is merely a result of our social contract theory, etc.). So, we've always kinda had some sort of law, and it's always kinda made sense to us (us being the people using it - although, I'd bet that the law in this country doesn't make sense to a lot of people). And speaking of the law, one of my professors mentioned the other day the difference between statutes drafted by lawyers and statutes drafted by legislators (I know, I know, many of them are lawyers - but most of them don't practice!). Take a look at the UCC for example, place it beside a contemporary piece of legislation and see if you can't figure out which is superior (the UCC, by the way, is only law because the Legislature says it is, so don't go saying that lawyers make law too!)! The second thing I love about this profession is that I'm always learning something. Last week, I had no idea what one would have to plead for a bailment claim (oddly enough, I did know what bailment was - thank you Professor Oldfather!), now, I feel like somewhat of an expert! I love that! Not to mention the fact that if you are going to use something in a case (for ex. some scientific evidence), you have to know it like the back of your hand (speaking of, have you talked to the back of your hand lately? If not, you might not know it as well as you think you do) because you are going to have to know what questions to ask! (plus, if the other side is calling one of these witnesses, you are going to have to know what to ask on cross!).
6. Church - I am really missing iMPACT on Monday nights (not that it's church). I really enjoyed getting together with a bunch of people for fellowship and prayer. Only 10 or so more weeks! I am also really enjoying Ronnie's messages on Ephesians. (of course, I've been enjoying them for over a year now, so I'm not really sure that this should go with the 'end of September' theme - not that there's really much of a flow in this post anyway!)
7. This blog - I have really enjoyed posting on this puppy this year (even though I only started in June). So, I suppose I should thank Kevin for throwing me off his and forcing me to find my own forum. I'm not so sure that everyone has always enjoyed reading it, but that's not the point, is it? (if it is, someone tell me so I can revamp how I'm doing this)
8. Grammar - (and words in general) - how great is the English language? Granted, it would be better if we were all at least bi-lingual, but I really like the English language. So many fun words out there to use and to define (like 'palpable' - what a great word!).
9. It's getting dark earlier - I don't really classify this as a good or a bad thing - it just is. I like the evenings, since it's getting cooler, so I guess it's a good thing. I don't get up early enough to watch the sun rise, so I guess watching the sun set is just as enjoyable. Maybe more so, but I haven't gotten around to writing any poetry about it yet.
and, finally, 10. You - the reader! It's the end of September, and if you've stayed with this post this long, I commend you and ask that you have your head examined ;). Once again, I have rambled on and on and you have put up with it and read the insanity (unless you just scrolled down to the bottom to see how long this post was - shame on you!). Everyone have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Your last comment made me want to switch schools. Our profs never read the hypos with the voices! LOL

J. Smith said...

Teresa, Teresa.

I must say, your boredom is definitely palpable at this point. Your post was huge! *chuckles* That's all right, though - I enjoyed reading it. Waves of nostalgia have hit us all from time to time. I love spending time dwelling in memories from childhood and high school. Recently it has mainly been college.

Might I present you with another delightful English word that I recently added to my vocabulary? I challenge you to use it in your next blog post: fatuous.

For example, your desire to begin your outlines during or before the sixth week of the semester is fatuous. *smirk* Clearly.

Oh, and I have finally posted again, by the by.

Kevin said...

Thanks for the thorough update. Good to see the thankfulness emanating (1 Thess 5:8)!