Monday, September 19, 2005

Ice Cream, Islam, and 'Tolerance'

Okay, normally (since when did I start calling myself normal?), I wouldn't post twice this closely, but I found this article and really had no choice. I figured if I buried it in my much longer earlier post, no one would read it, but it's hilarious, in my opinion. Burger Kings in the UK had to remove their ice cream machines's a guess, there was some indication that they were unsafe - some employee had stuck his finger in it and it got chopped off and that incident prompted a general recall for safety and health reasons? No....if that was your guess, you were wrong. The real reason? The lid on the ice cream machine resembled the Arabic inscription for Allah. That's right - a Muslim threatened jihad, whatever that means in the context of offensive behavior from Burger King. Wow have we all gotten sensitive or something. I found that article on the tongue-tied website (linked on the right), and just had to comment on it. You know, dipping a crucifix in urine is considered art in the United States, so maybe BK should truck all their restaurants in the UK back on over here.


J. Smith said...

Well, I would love to say that I'm surprised by all of this - but I'm not. Remember how much they babied all the Muslims at Guantanamo? They gave all the soldiers in-depth training on how to properly handle the Quran, how to present it, not to drop it, etc. Yet, when one single mistake was allegedly made by one single soldier, everyone freaked out.

I don't see anyone getting upset when people who are clearly not Christians have crosses emblazoned on things. Oh well, that's just me. Muslims are a favored class, and everyone seems to be afraid to tick them off.

Anonymous said...

yummy, I love ice cream, especially religous ice cream...good for the body and the soul! - Meg