Friday, September 16, 2005


I am going to register a complaint against blogging. I enjoy writing my opinions and linking to all types of news stories and all that, but I have one (I may have more, but this is the one I can think of at the moment) big complaint about it. There is very little discussion! I am the type of person who (1) learns by discussion; (2) loves to hear other people's opinions on things; and (3) will argue about anything (this point is likely to generate not a little commenting). So, what's my problem with blogging? Well, not to impugn my regularly reading and commenting (thanks everyone :)) readers, but there are very few discussions about anything I post. Now, this, I concede, may very well be my fault because I don't post nearly enough 'discussion-worthy' topics. And, since I don't comment on too many other people's blogs nearly often enough, I extend my most abject apologies for complaining about this. I think, however, that it is also a question of numbers - the more people reading any one thing, the more discussion it is bound to generate. (what has been so interesting to me so far is that the posts I think will generate debate rarely do, while the ones I think have very little to do with anything worthwhile (i.e. the band names post) have, for some odd reason, generated the most responses - weird)

So, in an attempt to fix what I see as a problem, I am going to try to post more 'discussion-worthy' topics. I don't know how to fix any of the other parts of this problem, so I guess I'll have to leave them alone for now. Either that or quit blogging in favor of having actual real live discussions with people that don't involve a keyboard.

However, there is one bright side to my complaint: what I do like about blogging is that when discussions do happen to get started, while there is ample opportunity for people to be rude and mean and slanderous and everything else that goes along with that, there is no opportunity to interrupt. (all the people who have ever had an argument with me may be surprised that I like this about blogging because I have a terrible habit of interrupting people when I think I'm right and they are wrong - but, contrary to popular belief, I do enjoy a good, civil, non-raised voices discussion where people are allowed to finish their thoughts and then have them commented upon). The other side of the no opportunity to interrupt is that you have the argument laid out before you, not on a page with disappearing ink, so that you can respond point by point to all the contentions. That, in my humble opinion, is both good and bad (because invariably, if you're the one making the argument, you will leave something out; but, if you are the one refuting the argument, you have ample opportunity to think about it).
Okay, well, that's all I've got for today except:
I took my car in to get it fixed and it's going to cost me a pretty penny (that's even minus the 4 other things they found wrong with it! And about the phrase 'pretty penny' - where did that come from anyway?). But, on the bright side - gas prices are coming down!

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