Friday, October 07, 2005

My poor car...

This is the sight that greeted my eyes this morning. Yes, to confirm your belief - this is my car. I was awakened this morning by my roommate asking me where I had parked (keep in mind that I was planning to go to work this morning, and my roommate leaves for work just before I get out of bed). So, I told her, and she said, I was afraid of that. Teresa, they've stolen your tires. So, my first response was...what? A bit disoriented, I put my contacts in and went outside to my car to take my first look at my poor vehicle (what did it ever do to these people?). They took everything: the tires, the wheels (the rims that the car is jacked up on are not mine, they took mine), and the lugnuts - they didn't even have the decency to leave those! Although, they didn't take anything from inside the car - that's a blessing (not that there was really anything to take, I guess). So, this morning I've already talked to the police, the apartment manager, and three tire retailers. This is turning into one expensive semester! To say the least, I haven't made it into work (don't know if I will today). I am so blessed with friends, though, they're all willing to help (the ones who aren't at work, the ones who are at work are all very sympathetic, wishing they could help). I'm very thankful for that! And I've been reminded of Philippians 4:4 - "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"
So, I got to thinking this morning - it could be worse! I could be in New Orleans and the entire car could be under water. They could have taken the entire car. I could not have had a car for them to take in the first place. Amazing how you can put something like this into perspective (don't get me wrong, I'm still not happy about it happening, and the thieves had better hope they never get caught - not that it's likely - they didn't leave prints and what are the odds that the police will get them with no leads? :)).
I'm also watching my all-time favorite movie, "Fiddler on the Roof" - that always cheers me up (that's why I put it in).
I guess the upshot of this entire experience is that I've got one more experience to write about and to stick in my repertoire of memories and fun stories (well, it'll be fun once I get over the shock). I'm still in shock, but I am already missing my rims - I really liked them. Plus, I had those really nice, really expensive low-profile tires on it (can't afford to put those back on - and I wouldn't want to just so someone can steal them again!). So, the car won't look quite as nice after I get the new tires on, but it'll look much nicer than in the picture above!!!!!
The moral? I don't have one - check back later.


Kevin said...

Grrr...lemme at 'em....

J. Smith said...


Did this actually happen in the state of Oklahoma not but a few days ago?! What is this, New York City or something? When I saw the pictures, Teresa, I was dumbfounded - literally; my jaw fell wide open. And then to read that those tire-rims aren't even yours! Now that was stinkin' low, my friend. What horrific jerks!

Hopefully they were stealing them to sell and send in a check to help reduce the national debt, though. *chuckles* I'm really sorry that happened - did anyone else get hit that same night? Is the apartment complex going to help with the cost?