Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Poetry redux

So, last night was by far the worst of the semester so far. I absolutely could not sleep. So, I got up and journaled for awhile and wrote some poetry. The last suggestion I received for poetic inspiration was the sunset, so that's what I wrote about.
Only one imagination is big enough to think up the beauty of a sunset.
My pitiful attempts fall far short of describing it adequately.

The sun whispers to me as it leaves the sky:
God willing, I’ll be back in the morning
The bright oranges speak of glory to come:
God willing, tomorrow will be as glorious
The subdued pinks murmur praise:
God willing, we will grace the sky again
The fiery reds shout in exaltation:
God willing, we will always reflect His face
I sing back into the quickly disappearing blue:
God willing, I too.

a blue sky laced with pink ribbons
the fingers of a setting sun
they reach out to grasp, to extend daylight a
little longer
but there is nothing to hold on to and slowly they fade
one final gasp of bright oranges and reds and pinks fills the sky
before the glowing orb takes
the final plunge and disappears

The water nibbles at the sun as it slowly sinks
Until nothing is left
Just the stars and the moon
Points of light in an endless sky

Okay, so it's not the best poetry I've ever written, but what does one expect at midnight?


Mols said...

Teresa: I'm sorry for you that you couldn't sleep, but not sorry for me! =) After a somewhat long and grueling day, that was a beautiful and refreshing "pick-me-up." Thanks for sharing the Glory.

ouchadjones said...

Refreshing in a busy world...but that's you in a nutshell lately...see my blog for more :)

Kevin said...

Beautiful poetry, and a GREAT topic!