Friday, October 07, 2005


Well...a few dollars and a few hours later, my car is healthy again. It's a bit upset with me because I promised that I would wash it this afternoon, but I didn't have time, so I promised it that I would wash it in the morning. So, this story is one for the books. My wheels and tires and everything were gone when I went out to my car this morning (as mentioned in the earlier post). So, my cousin Court and his roommate came down to help me go get new tires and put them on my car (the tires and wheels you see in the earlier picture). And I am soooo thankful for their help - I certainly could not have done it myself (although Nicole and I might have been able to, I'm glad we didn't have to find out). So, they came down to Norman, and we went out to Dean's (Court's roommate) truck to go get new tires, and the truck wouldn't start. So, we went and ordered the tires. Then we decided to go to Quizno's for lunch - Quizno's was closed. So we went to Taco Bell instead. Then we went back and tried to start the truck again - no luck. So, we drove to the city to get Court's vehicle while Dean stayed in Norman and called a tow truck and had his truck taken in to get fixed. So, we finally get back, the tire place calls and tells me that my tires are ready. So, we go get the tires, come back to the apartment to put the tires on the car. Get to putting the tires on the car (and figuring out the jack that came with the car was kinda difficult, but that's another story - well, I guess it's part of this story, but I'm not going to go into that here), and realize that we didn't have the allen wrench we needed - we hadn't returned from the tire place with it - they still had it. So, for the third time, while the guys put the rest of the tires on the car, Nicole and I went to the tire store to get the allen wrench. When we got back, the guys were finished with the tires and were merely retightening the lugnuts. So, we took it for a little spin and it felt fine. I'll wash it tomorrow and take it in to have them align the tires or whatever they do with those things when they put new ones. Yay for new tires (except for the cost and the wear on me from putting them on and the distress from realizing they'd been stolen in the first place!). Yay for new tires when you need new tires!


J. Smith said...

Glad to hear you're back on the road. Sorry again that this happened. What jerks...

However, we all know the verse:
"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord."

Anonymous said...

Hey teresa-
I heard about this story via court...well i hope whoever got your tires really needed them...glad to hear that you've got some wheels.
- Meg