Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Wall

I have hit It. The Wall. And I'm not talking about the Great Wall of China. I am talking about the Wall that has been erected in the middle of every semester of law school. I have run head on into it without a helmet every semester so far. To those of you who are in law school, you will understand. Those of you who are too close to a law student might be able to understand, and probably can, but let me explain it to you anyway. This Wall (I refer to it personally because we have gotten to be acquaintances, never friends because it is more adversarial than that, but we have gotten to know each other over the last year and a half) is an unfortunate lack of motivation. I am sitting in the torts class, in which I am a TA (so to speak), freezing (because they keep this building way too cold) and thinking about how much I have to do this week and not wanting to do any of it. I know this week I will be pressed for time, but who cares? I have hit the Wall, my friends, I have hit the Wall. Here's the other problem with the Wall - apparently every semester it is erected earlier. My first semester I made it through at least 9 weeks without hitting it; second semester, probably 7 weeks....here we are in the 5th week of school in my third semester and I've already hit It. At this rate, by the time I get to my last semester, I will hit it during Christmas break! Okay, that's my rant for today.


Anonymous said...

Yah---somebody else has hit their wall!! I am so happy. (Not really happy that you have hit your wall, but more so that I have also hit my wall and am not alone.) We should have a wall party, teresa!-Meg

Teresa said...

No - you are not alone :). We should have a wall party - we could make 'Great Wall of China' cake and watch Deewaar, in English, The Wall. Don't ask me what it's about, but it's a foreign film, so it has to be good.

ouchadjones said...

I'm right there with you...I hate year-end! Yea, October!!

Teresa said...

shall we 'wake you up when September ends'???

Anonymous said...

I just have to add my two cents on this because it's such a familiar topic for me. So familiar in fact that this past semester I wrote a poem about what Desiree calls the "Mandy wall."

Mandy wall
made of brick
In my way
tall and thick
Can't go over
or around
Just hit the wall
and I fall down.

here's hopin you hop back up again!

J. Smith said...

Apparently you've "hit a wall" on your blog posts, as well.

*chuckles to himself*

Anonymous said...

yah--lets have a wall party! I love cake!

Anonymous said...

Hey Theresa! Just wanted to let you know that Justin hit his wall, too! Don't ever let him try to tell you that he hasn't either!

Didn't you know, though, that it's a proven fact that the further you are in your graduate education, the sooner the walls are erected? Definitely a proven fact! So don't worry about! You are just joining the masses in an unavoidable phenomenon! Eat some Ben & Jerry's and forget about it! =) Have a great day!

Teresa said...

Ah Molly, I love your advice! Ice cream (and Megan and my great wall cake) would certainly alleviate much of the problems of the wall! :)