Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Sexual Revolution and other random stuff.

Suzanne Fields over at Townhall.com has an interesting article about Heidi Fleiss and some of the effects of the revolution.

There is a touching letter written by the father of one of our dead heroes over at The Mudville Gazette. A must read for those intent on thanking the brave soldiers who are willing to die so that we might live in a free nation.

I've been reading about this mass transit strike in NYC all morning (well, not really all morning), and Michelle Malkin (one of my favorite (and a very prolific) conservative bloggers (check out the link on the right side of the page)) has some words on the subject.

1 comment:

J. Smith said...

Boowing! *ala Homestar Runner*

Let's get some uniquely Teresa thoughts flowing on this blog, chica! *chuckles* I want some controversial Teresa action!