Tuesday, December 06, 2005

You have to be kidding me!

I found a new blog this morning during my 10 minute study break (amazing how much one can do in 10 minutes). Anyway, there's a very interesting article on it today about a campaign by atheists at the University of Texas to get students to trade in their Bibles (and other religious literature) for pornography, calling it 'smut for smut'. What an appalling thing to read!


Gary said...

Are they trying to demonstrate something about free speech or simply trying to be rude?

Teresa said...

I'm not sure - it is difficult to tell because the article merely links to the interview the person who organized this did on Tucker Carlson's show. Carlson's show, in my opinion, is nearly worthless because, like many political pundits' shows, it is really just a 30 second sound byte and never gets much below the surface. He does make the comment that they are trying to make the comparison between pornography as smut and religious literature as smut that people shouldn't believe. If you ask me, I think he is doing it for 'shock' reasons (he also mentions the First Amendment, but I think that is more because he seems to have been attacked for what he is doing - it is in the context of saying (in a very childish manner, if you ask me) 'we have the right to do this because of the First Amendment!). I don't argue with his First Amendment right to do this - campuses are historically public forums for discussion (although some have 'free-speech zones' now that seem to be in response to things like preachers on the corners). However, you'd think he might be able to find a less offensive way to do the same thing he's doing. I wonder what people would do/think if Christians did the opposite? It'd be interesting to see.

ouchadjones said...

My question is not why they are doing this, but who is actually trading in stuff...?