Monday, August 22, 2005

First Day Back

Well - here's a happy thought - after this semester, I will be halfway through law school. Here's an almost happier thought - after last semester, I am 5/7ths of the way done. I think the first one sounds better when you think that law school is only three years, so that's only one and a half years left. Ok, that's enough about that.

Today was the first day of the second year of law school. I'm not really ready to work full time without going to school, but I feel very ready to be finished with school. School would be better without the finals. I don't mind the classes so much. Speaking of the classes - criminal procedure is going to be very interesting - all about the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments to the Constitution and how they 'protect' your average American citizen - sorry those of you who are not citizens - you're not as protected. Here's a factoid from today's class that everyone might be interested in - the Fourth Amendment - the right not to be unreasonably searched or seized has only applied to the states since 1949. And only since 1961 have the courts excluded the evidence gathered from these illegal searches from trials in the states! The exclusionary rule (as it's called) has applied to the federal government and federal courts since 1914. There's your trivia for the day.
Professional Responsibility may be a little different - it should be fun to learn all the ethics governing this great profession I have decided to join.
Ok, I have class really early in the morning and three classes, so I'm going to leave this post here. Hope everyone has a really really good Tuesday!


ouchadjones said...

I hope you are back in the swing of things, and your tearjerkers have left you alone!

Anonymous said...

5/7ths is over 1/2 so how can you be halfway done after this semester but 5/7ths of the way done after last semester?

Did I read something wrong?

Teresa said...

halfway done with the three years of law school......5/7 of the way through post secondary education