Monday, August 29, 2005

Gas and stuff

So, the price of gas is rising rapidly. What is a good metaphor for this phenomenon? How about: rising faster than the temperature in the middle of the Sahara in the middle of July? Nah.... How about: rising faster than the blood pressure of a man who has just been told he is wrong? Nah.... How about: rising faster than the anxiety level of a law student the day before a final? Well, whatever metaphor you want to come up with, driving is getting cost prohibitive (I could say that another way, but I like the way 'cost prohibitive' sounds). Who knows how long it'll stay that high.

In other week and one day through classes and I actually have more time than I thought I would have. Interesting since I thought I was so busy. I seem to get more done during the breaks between classes than I thought I would.

Watched "The Aviator" over the weekend. Not a bad movie, especially if you know anything about Howard Hughes. I don't know if I would suggest it if you're just looking for something short, light, and humorous, it's pretty long, but it's enjoyable.

"The LORD longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!" Isaiah 30:18. This my verse of the week, or perhaps longer - probably longer. I really like the verse because it reminds me that I don't have to do anything but wait for Him. I really like that because I have a tendency to get really busy and forget to take the time to just sit and wait for God to speak to me. So, I need the reminder every so often :).

One more Biblical item as food for thought: "It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else that would cause your brother to fall." Romans 14:21. I found this the other day during my quiet time, and, even though I've read it before, it struck me anew (that's the thing about Scripture - no matter how many times you read it, there's always something more God has to tell you through it - gotta love that!). I think it probably hit me again because since the last time I'd read it, I had a conversation on that topic with my mother. So, it brought the import of the verse home to me in a completely different way. And, I started thinking about the way I talk about some things that I don't do, but I talk about like it's okay for everyone. That probably doesn't make any sense to anyone, but I thought I'd write some of it down on here and just give some food for thought.

Finally, there is a description of heaven in C.S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters" that I really like: "The regions where there is only life and therefore all that is not music is silence." I like the idea that when we get there, the time we do not spend singing praises to God will be spent in silent adoration of Him.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Good Biblical food for thought. Another verse to go along w/Isaiah is Psalm 9:9. I, like you, find it hard to wait. I'm always wanting to be proactive and worry. Glad I heard Ronnie's sermon Sunday night when he talked about Matthew 6:33. Good stuff.