Saturday, August 27, 2005

Worldwide Prayer?

When's the last time anyone heard about this happening (not that it hasn't happened, we just don't necessarily hear/think about it)?
I'm watching Apollo 13 on the History Channel - very good movie, and since it's on the History Channel, they of course have the commander of the mission, James Lovell, commenting on the history of the mission. Well, here's an interesting tidbit: during the movie, they comment on the fact that the near tragedy united most of the world in prayer - the president of the United States asks for the people to pray for the mission and, get this, the Congress of the United States passed a resolution asking that the American people pray for the men in space (gee - I wonder if that is a violation of the Establishment Clause). The Pope led thousands in prayer before St. Peter's Basilica. An amazing event - not just because of the miracle, but because of the outpouring of prayer. So, someone had the idea to analogize that incident to the war in Iraq - here's a short comment I found discussing what happens when the world unites in prayer to merciful God (I actually found it when I searched for something about the Congressional resolution, so it wasn't my idea to find something about the War in Iraq and link it to Apollo 13). I'm not sure that I like the end of the article, but I think it gives some good things to think about.

Update: What I like about the History Channel is that after any movie it shows, there's a show about whatever the movie was about. The one after Apollo 13 is about the restoration of the rocket used to get the Apollo spacecraft beyond the atmosphere. Well, here's an interesting factoid: in the command module - there is less technology than in your typical cell phone! How crazy is that?

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