Thursday, July 07, 2005

Tragedy in London

Tragedy struck London today as 4 bombs went off in various parts of the city. Unfortunately, the incident has a more widespread impact than just on the people of London. It is important for all people of free nations. Undoubtedly, the attack will instigate a cry to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan from the people of Britian and the US, just like the bomb in Madrid. The argument is that the only reason the terrorists (I will not call them insurgents, call a chair a chair) are striking out is that we have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan when those nations have merely been minding their own business and living peacefully with their neighbors. Interesting argument that holds no water. Hopefully we will not bow to the wishes of people who believe that force is the only way to convince anyone that their point of view is correct. These people are murderers.

1 comment:

ouchadjones said...

Amen! People are all over the radio saying not to be too quick to point to Islamic Extremist, but, Hello! When they are responsible for more than half of the terrorism in this world, what would your first reaction be? This isn't because they are Muslims, this is because they are causing harm to innoncent people! Muslims don't kill people, terrorist do!