Friday, July 01, 2005

Tort reform, infanticide, and divorce rates - what a morning

No one really thinks that the tort system should not be reformed, except the trial lawyers and the plaintiffs in these cases. This is one you have to read to believe.

I found this interesting editorial on Peter Singer. Just in case you don't know, Peter Singer is an atheistic Princeton ethics professor who encourages infanticide and some other despicable practices. Interesting how intellectualism can lead to at least two different results: atheism, as in Singer's case; or Christianity, as in our good friend C.S. Lewis' case. It is, as the author of this editorial suggests, very difficult for the smart to admit that Someone might be smarter! Perhaps that is why pride appears to be the worst sin. Pride leads to the denial of that Someone who, in all aspects, is infinitely better, infinitely smarter, infinitely greater.

This, in my opinion, is a really good idea: one that hopefully will help reduce the divorce rate in this country where something like 50% (can you imagine a worse statistic?) of marriages end in divorce (whatever happened to the vow: till death do us part?). The editorial delivers a stinging rebuke to churches, many of which have done nothing to combat the growing view of the 'throwaway' marriage. I guess no one can tell yet if these sorts of programs will have an effect, but at least someone is doing something about the problem!

Ok, class, that's your reading assignment for the morning (aren't you glad I didn't assign the 130 pages of Supreme Court 10 Commandments opinions I have to read for class? ;)).

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