Tuesday, July 19, 2005

And now for something completely different...

First, as to the title of the post - I really like Monty Python.
Ok, the months, no, weeks, no, days (no, maybe no one's been waiting for it) of waiting for my promise of some original poetry to come to fruition are over! I can feel the excitement out there. I have decided to allow the world to read a couple of my poems. Usually, I wouldn't do this, but I did promise (sorta) and I feel like it.
The first I wrote a few months ago, when I was thinking about 'the only thing to fear is fear itself' and I was wondering if I believed that statement. Out of those musings came this (I've been working with rhyme, and I'm not really sure that it works all that well for me):


The only thing to fear is fear itself
Someone once famous said
You live your life fearing other things
You live as though you’re dead

It’s meant to fill us with courage
With solidarity and love
To give us strength when orders come
From way up above

But what about the darkness,
Spiders, heights, and snakes
What about those courage abandons,
Us it forsakes?

Is it okay to be afraid,
To live in doubt and dread
Not if you have My voice inside
Your heart and inside your head

Fear not, for I am with you
Your courage I will be
Your Rock, and your Fortress
If you’ll come sit with me

Set your mind on things above
Things you cannot fear
Set your heart on what’s in store
Lest things of earth grow too dear

These things rot and turn to dust
And soon shall pass away
And some the thieves can come and take
From you even today

Ok, the second poem developed out of some rambling thoughts I had after someone mentioned that every time we sin we drive the nails deeper into Christ's hands (I'd give credit where it's due for that comment, but I really can't remember, sorry). I was playing with repetition at the time (I like playing with various poetry techniques).

In a perfect world…

Here there should be no shame
But every time I fall I feel the stares
Of a thousand little gloating demons
Waiting, just waiting until I fall no longer to rise again
Waiting until I finally give up
Waiting until I scream: why hast thou forsaken me

Here there should be no guilt
But every time I fail I feel the stabs
Of a thousand little pitchforks
Poking me
Prodding me to give up, to give in
Prodding me to forget why I should care
Prodding me to scream: why hast thou forsaken me

Here there should be no sin
But every time I see temptation I bite into the apple again
And hear a thousand little voices in my head
Murmuring to me
Whispering that no one will ever know
Whispering that it won’t hurt anyone, anything
Whispering that thou hast forsaken me

Here there should be no pain
But every time I fail I see Your Son
A thousand drops of blood fall as He hangs
Drowning my justifications
Suffocating my selfishness
Suffocating my scream as I hear Him
whisper: why hast thou forsaken me

Ok, I'll consider posting more poetry at some point in the future, we'll see. Now I'm going to go take a test, wish me luck!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

More poetry, please!! I enjoyed both of those. Very Good!