Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!

As the angels brought tidings of great joy
on that first Christmas morning,
and as the shepherds joined the small family in the stable,
may this Christmas fill you with hope and
may you delight in the closeness of family
and the nearness of God.
My constant prayer for you is peace and joy this Christmas season

Grace and peace,

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Sexual Revolution and other random stuff.

Suzanne Fields over at has an interesting article about Heidi Fleiss and some of the effects of the revolution.

There is a touching letter written by the father of one of our dead heroes over at The Mudville Gazette. A must read for those intent on thanking the brave soldiers who are willing to die so that we might live in a free nation.

I've been reading about this mass transit strike in NYC all morning (well, not really all morning), and Michelle Malkin (one of my favorite (and a very prolific) conservative bloggers (check out the link on the right side of the page)) has some words on the subject.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

More lawyer stuff...

I realized this morning (Sunday morning 12/18/05) that this was my 100th post! So there it is. The 100th. WooHoo. I think I deserve a cake for this. Not really, 100 is probably just a blip on the screen. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

"Your lawyer spends a considerable part of his life in doing distasteful things for disagreeable people who must be satisfied against an impossible time limit in which there are hourly interruptions from other disagreeable people who want to derail the train; and for his blood, sweat, and tears, he receives in the end a few unkind words to the effect that it might have been done better, and a protest at the size of the fee."
William L. Prossner

Now, doesn't that sound like a rewarding profession?????

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Stick a fork in me...

I'm done!
Well, done for the next 3 weeks. But,woo hoo - I'm halfway through!
Finals are over for the semester, and I am thrilled!
Okay, though, a quick movie review.

Finding Neverland was a really, really good movie (if you've seen and liked Big Fish, you'd probably like it; well, even if you haven't, it's a good movie).

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Shorter study break

I've been working most of the day (after church of course) with just a couple of fairly short breaks, so I thought, as I listen to Michael Buble's "Home" (he has a really good voice and I really like this song), that I would post a list. I'm not big on lists, but I ran across this one on someone else's blog and I thought maybe I'd try it out. We'll see how it goes. It actually started as 7 lists of 7, but I deleted two of her lists and added three of my own, so now it's 8 lists of 7 which probably messes up the whole 7 of 7 theme (is 49 a magic number?), but I like my lists better.

Seven things I hope to do before I die:
1. Go on another mission trip (or two or more...)
2. Go skydiving
3. Travel to Syria (maybe in conjunction with number one...)
4. Read "War and Peace" (maybe after I finish "The Brothers Karamozov" I can continue my Russian literature obsession)
5. See the Rolling Stones in concert (Actually, that's more before they die; or, if not the Rolling Stones, maybe some other classic rock band that is still around and still worth seeing live)
6. Serve on a jury (that will probably never happen - no one wants lawyers on their jury)
7. See a whale

Seven things I cannot do
1. Lie (I won't play poker with people because of this)
2. Drive straight to wherever I am going (I always seem to find the roundabout way there)
3. Drink a beer (ewwwwww - the smell is enough to make me sick - not that I've ever really tried, I guess)
4. Get into "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" (I don't know how many times I've opened that book...)
5. Kill spiders (creepy little things...)
6. Watch scary movies with my eyes open
7. Enjoy getting somewhere late (sorry Nicole)

Seven things I say often:
1. "interesting"
2. "it was funny"
3. "rrrright"
4. "I'm just sayin'"
5. "I don't know what to tell you"
6. "It was just frustrating"
7. "You wuined our wole wacation" (Okay, I really don't say that often, but I had to throw it in there for Kevin ;))

Seven books or book series I love - what, only seven??!!??!!
1. The Bible
2. Lord of the Rings (including "The Hobbit" and "The Silmarillion") (Tolkien)
3. The Chronicles of Narnia (Lewis)
4. A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens)
5. Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)
6. The Enchanted Forest Chronicles (Wrede) (what can I say, I like children's books :))
7. The Screwtape Letters (Lewis)

Seven movies I would watch over and over:
1. Fiddler on the Roof (what, you didn't think it'd be on here???)
2. Remember the Titans (speaking of, haven't watched it in awhile...)
3. Pirates of the Caribbean (and they're coming out with a sequel - oh boy!)
4. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
5. Probably the Chronicles (if they come out with all of them - or just the first if that's all they end up doing)
6. Finding Nemo
7. Secondhand Lions

Seven songs I can't get enough of:
1. Michael Buble's "Home" (at least right now - I really like his voice)
2. Switchfoot - "The Blues"
3. David Crowder Band - "You are My Joy" and "Our Happy Home" (those are fun in the car with the bass and the volume turned wayyyyy up)
4. Lifehouse - "Come Back Down"
5. Bebo Norman - "Nothing without You"
6. "Do You Love Me" - from the Fiddler on the Roof soundtrack
7. "Kiss the Girl" - from the Little Mermaid Soundtrack (I think that song is funny - there's a lobster or crab or something singing)

Seven words or phrases I wish I had the opportunity to use more often:
1. propinquity (means nearness, but sounds much cooler)
2. Occam's razor (means that the simpler of two options is probably correct)
3. Sword of Damocles (Greek mythology - Damocles spends eternity with a sword hanging by a thread above him)
4. geriatric (means old, but this sounds much nicer)
5. effectuate
6. "unusual need for unquestioning adherence"
7. stymie

Seven television shows I would watch if I had the time (I'm not sure I can think of seven)
1. Law and Order
2. Law and Order: SVU
3. The Cosby Show
4. Whose Line is it Anyway
5. The Daily Show with Jon Stuart
6. The Colbert Report
7. West Wing (ooo, looky there, I did think of 7!)

Okay, that's enough listing from me, it turned into a little longer break than I anticipated. I'm getting back to studying and then to sleep. Everyone have a good Monday!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Forget studying!

Studying is for the birds. Preferably the ones that fly over my car. Not really - I really am studying sometimes this week/weekend. I just take frequent long breaks (nothing to lose one's health or mental state over - although, there are people out there who would say I've already lost the latter). So, took a couple of 'study breaks' this weekend to have some kind of fun!

Switchfoot, Lifehouse, Howie Day...

What an awesome concert!!!


NARNIA!! I wish I could walk through a wardrobe and end up in a different world (a world that has never heard of law school...). It was a great movie - stayed pretty close to the book (I love it when they do that).

Anyway, an all around great weekend with minimal school means that starting tomorrow, nose to the grindstone (I don't know exactly what that means and it sounds painful, but there it is nonetheless). I did get some studying done, though, so it's not all as bad as it sounds AND Monday's test is over my favorite subject, so it shouldn't be too bad. But, we shall see - tomorrow, I'll be studying about the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments all day, so if anyone wants to join me and hear me rant and rave about the breakdown of our criminal justice system, give me a call, people are always welcome!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Random pictures

I couldn't think of anything substantive to post about tonight, but I felt like posting something, so I thought I'd comment for a moment on finals and then post some random pictures. I am in the middle of finals - one down, four to go (but, two of those are take-home). Tomorrow is an evidence final - any volunteers to take it for me? Okay, now, on to random (and unfortunately, fairly old) pictures (and since I've figured out how, with captions!

Fun with Christmas tinsel! This is my former roommate Nicole (no, she's not 'former' because of this picture).

Kevin graduating (last spring of course) - doesn't he look educated?

Nicole's little sister. Sorry Becca, I think you have a few more years before you can get your own flat hat.

Okay, I'd post more, but I can't get them to work at the moment. So, keep watching for them while I avoid studying next week!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

You have to be kidding me!

I found a new blog this morning during my 10 minute study break (amazing how much one can do in 10 minutes). Anyway, there's a very interesting article on it today about a campaign by atheists at the University of Texas to get students to trade in their Bibles (and other religious literature) for pornography, calling it 'smut for smut'. What an appalling thing to read!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Study Break!

I don't know how much of a 'study break' Saturday night was because I didn't get much studying done all day (kinda like right now!), but it was fun, nonetheless, and I want to call it a study break if only to make myself feel better about finals, so I'm going to. Saturday night, Omar and Thomas cooked some really good food for a bunch of fun people. We all enjoyed ourselves immensely. Unfortunately, the batteries in my camera quit on me after 4 photos, but those are fun, so here you go!

And, to my credit, I think I have finally figured out how to post pictures where I want them in the post so I can put captions underneath. How marvelous!

Here are Kevin and Thomas (cutting dessert, I think, but who knows what they're doing?)

Here are some of the group enjoying each other's company after dinner.

This is the same photo pretty much (only with the guys cut out, sorry guys), but the girls got upset that they weren't allowed a chance to pose, so I gave the people what they wanted. (although it looks like Andrea was posing in the earlier picture - she's the only one who was paying enough attention to know that someone had a camera, I guess)

And here are some of the rest of the group having fun with another camera. I really wish that my batteries hadn't given out.