Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Homosexuality promoted in public schools?

Check out Peggy Noonan's article here:
Battle over Pro-Gay Curriculum Heats Up
. Does anyone else find it disturbing that the public schools, which are supposed to be teaching our nation's children how to think, not what to think, are only presenting one side of the issue? The reassuring thing is that the court sided with the parents on this one. Chalk one up for the system!


Kevin said...

Yes, I find it extremely disturbing. Of course, we have set a precedent in public education to teach WHAT to think and not HOW to think. We teach them that evolution is the only way, abstinence is dumb, and homosexuality is okay and those against it are bigots.

Teresa said...

Well, what better forum to set a precedent in? After all, children are young, impressionable, and likely to believe what the authority figure tells them (especially if it is promulgated as truth). This is the same argument against allowing teacher-led prayer and Bible-reading in the schools. But this is ok because it promotes a culture and 'religion' of secularism, not an established religion.

Teresa said...

I found this article after I posted, so I thought I'd include it as relevant. Time To End The Censorship