Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Etsy Store

I've decided to become an entrepreneur.  Well, sort of.  It's kind of like this blog - I decided to restart it, but I have no followers, so I am literally talking to myself!  So, maybe my etsy shop will be the same - I'll list some items and no one will ever even look at them.  I guess we'll see :).

I've decided to use my new found sewing skills to make dresses for little girls.  I also have a pattern for ruffled bloomers, but I haven't even tried them yet, so I'll stick with the dresses for now.  It's a terrifically cute pattern I found on Pinterest whose creator blogs at Designed by DawnNicole.  She's an incredible blogger and a great teacher - her tutorials are wonderful.

Here's a link to the new store!


Monday, March 04, 2013

Why I love Pinterest

I resisted the urge to join Pinterest for a long time.  Well, I resisted the peer pressure, I guess is what I mean.  Similarly to series/books/movies that a lot of people like, I rather assume that if it's that popular, there's probably too much hype.  I should rethink this stance, probably, because I loved Harry Potter and The Hunger Games,  and enjoyed Game of Thrones.  I'm sure there are more examples, but those are the three I can think of - of course, I also hated Twilight, so there's a counterbalance.

So, I joined Pinterest sometime two years ago before our son was born and I didn't think about it much after joining.  I kept seeing friends post items from Pinterest on Facebook, but I didn't need another social networking site to keep up with.  Then, Tristan was born and I started staying up all night (as is usual when you have a newborn), and feeding him at what seemed like all hours of the day.  So, I started using Pinterest.  And, I have to admit, I love it!

Some people 'complain' about Pinterest making women (and, I suppose some men, but I suspect Pinterest is used mostly by women) feel bad about not exercising, not crafting, etc., but I have decided that is their problem.  Control Pinterest, don't let it control you or your emotions!  I guess that's the way I'd put it, anyway.

I use Pinterest for the crafts, the sewing projects, the recipes, the ideas for what one does with toddlers/children, the home ideas (cleaning and organization) and the garden ideas.  The garden ideas are for my husband because I have two brown thumbs, but he is pretty good at growing things and enjoys it.  I use the recipes, crafts ideas, and the sewing projects!  I love finding a new idea and seeing if it works into my lifestyle or if I want to make it.  It's really like following a lot of blogs all at once!

The other thing I love about Pinterest is the search function - I am currently looking for a bread recipe that would make good bread for sandwiches.  I've found 4-5 on Pinterest that I'm going to try and that was just by searching!

Keep on pinning, my friends ;).

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Great American Novel

I've made a decision.  It may take me fourteen years (or longer), but I am going to write a book.  Contrary to the title of this post, I actually do not intend to attempt to write The Great American Novel.  But, I think I can write a better book than some of them I've read lately and some that I've read about lately.  I've been reading blog posts about some books (these posts included excepts from the books) that are so poorly written as to seem to be written by a sixth grader.  I can write better than that in my sleep!  However, I do admit, I have not written anything and these persons have, so I really  should not be so critical.  But, I'm going to try anyway.

Like I said, it may take me a really, really long time, but I'm going to try to write a book.  I've always been okay at short stories, but I've never attempted anything longer.  So, here goes.

I'm going to start with a goal of a chapter per month, but I'll probably be a lot more flexible than that as I figure out how to write and edit and proofread and everything else!  Plus, I have other projects that need my attention, so I will be limited in the time I can write.

I know that no one reads this blog anymore, so it's more just for me, but I am going to try to post some of the scenes from the project, just in case anyone does read it.  Hopefully, I can trust my readership (if I ever get any) to tell me if it's complete dreck or if it's readable!

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Game of Thrones

Anyone reading this series?  Anyone have a clue as to when the 6th book will be out?  I read the first 5 before I realized that the series wasn't finished!  I hate when I do that :).

I'm planning to reread them this spring, to see what I missed the first time in light of a few fan theories I've read about - I'm curious what evidence there is for (spoiler alert): the theory that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna and/or Robert!

We watched the first episode of the HBO series, but I think it's a bit too graphic for me - although, the story stuck right to the book it seemed (as far as I remember the book), so that part of it was pretty good.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

It's been a minute

Wowsers has it been long since I've posted anything on this blog!  For awhile now, I've been considering starting this sucker up again, and since the children are down for a nap (though they'll be up soon), I thought today would be a good day for it.  I highly doubt anyone reads this anymore, but on the off chance anyone does, I'll do a short update on life which would be why I haven't posted in 5 1/2 years!!!

Since my last post - I started a job at a law firm, visited Egypt and Turkey, had a child, quit my job, because a stay at home mom, had a second child, lost a lot of sleep since she's 5 months old and hasn't started sleeping through the night yet, and then, unsurpisingly, we're at 2013 already!  January would have been better, but I'll make it my February resolution to make at least one blog post per week :).  And, I promise not too many pictures of the adorable children I have ;).

So, as to what prompted this resurgence - I have found a few entertaining, well written blogs and so I was inspired to restart.  Who knows, maybe this time I'll even find a theme to stick with for awhile and actually entertain someone with the blog posts!  One can always hope!

More likely, it'll just be more randomness like before.

I came back to add something quickly - since my last post, Blogger has changed (in some ways, drastically!), so, please be patient with me as I sort through how to use it!  Thanks in advance ;)