Monday, February 11, 2013

The Great American Novel

I've made a decision.  It may take me fourteen years (or longer), but I am going to write a book.  Contrary to the title of this post, I actually do not intend to attempt to write The Great American Novel.  But, I think I can write a better book than some of them I've read lately and some that I've read about lately.  I've been reading blog posts about some books (these posts included excepts from the books) that are so poorly written as to seem to be written by a sixth grader.  I can write better than that in my sleep!  However, I do admit, I have not written anything and these persons have, so I really  should not be so critical.  But, I'm going to try anyway.

Like I said, it may take me a really, really long time, but I'm going to try to write a book.  I've always been okay at short stories, but I've never attempted anything longer.  So, here goes.

I'm going to start with a goal of a chapter per month, but I'll probably be a lot more flexible than that as I figure out how to write and edit and proofread and everything else!  Plus, I have other projects that need my attention, so I will be limited in the time I can write.

I know that no one reads this blog anymore, so it's more just for me, but I am going to try to post some of the scenes from the project, just in case anyone does read it.  Hopefully, I can trust my readership (if I ever get any) to tell me if it's complete dreck or if it's readable!

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