Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My first top ten list!

Ten signs that you are an ill law student:
10. You accidentally snap at a professor when he refuses to call on you
9. No one can hear the Evidence professor over your coughing, and that is the only reason you decide to get cough drops.
8. You consider taking a nap in Constitutional Law even though you actually are prepared for class.
7. You consider skipping class to take a nap, not because you have not read for class
6. You cannot hear the Constitutional Law professor when he approaches you after class to thank you for correcting him in class
5. Your cousin takes credit for the correction spoken about in number 6
4. You actually play spider solitaire in class because your brain cannot force you to pay attention
3. You can't complain about a class because you can't stop coughing long enough to get out the words: "I hate that class"
2. You threaten to cough on someone who forgets to bring you medication
And the number
1. sign that you are an ill law student: you feel lousy, but you cannot think of anyone to sue over it!

I admit that some of those actually characterize a well law student (numbers 7 and 4, specifically).

1 comment:

Kevin said...

lol! Very enjoyable read.