Thursday, November 03, 2005

How many...

How many law students does it take to find the the OBA (Oklahoma Bar Association) Conference in downtown OKC?

4 and a policeman (who actually said he didn't know of a hotel called the Sheraton, did we actually mean the Hilton?). No, my dear serviceman, we meant the Sheraton. Why oh why are there so many one-way and dead end streets in downtown OKC? And why oh why don't I know my way around down there better? Both questions racing through my mind as I tried to carry on a conversation with my passenger and remember at the same time exactly where the Sheraton was and where one could park near it (we finally called someone else - the 4th law student - for exact directions). Boo on navigation without a map. This actually may deserve its own top 10 list, so here it is,
The top ten signs that you are a lost law student (we weren't lost, by the way, we knew exactly where we were; we just weren't sure how to get where we wanted to be):

10. you wish you were out in practice so you could be thinking about a client and billing the client for the time that you are spending getting somewhere
9. you actually become concerned that you have not read for your classes next week
8. you start thinking about ways you can get out of a parking ticket if you just leave the car and start walking
7. you stop a police officer to ask for directions, and are disappointed when he doesn't ask to search your car
6. you drive around looking for signs of the conference you are trying to attend, knowing that an organization of lawyers such as the OBA would certainly have signs about a block or two away to lower their liability in case something happens
5. you waste the gas driving around the block because you know there is a closer parking garage so you don't have to walk as far in your heels and business suit
4. you waste the gas driving around the block because you know that there has to be a cheaper parking garage because you spent your last couple of dollars on lunch
3. when you stop the police officer for directions, you consider asking him if he's ever effected a 4th Amendment violative search
2. you are so engaged in a conversation about the 11th Amendment that you miss your turn twice
and the number one sign that you might be a lost law student:
you are so busy looking for where you need to be that you have stopped thinking of people you could sue

Okay, not as good of a list as the last, but still fairly true. And, the first line in the post really is the question that my friend asked the person we called for directions (I have to give credit where it is due!). I thought it was so funny I actually asked if I could use it (wouldn't want to run afoul of any copyright laws :)).

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