Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Around the web in 1,824 seconds

Everyone stop for a second and figure out how many minutes that is because I am not going to tell you ;). Okay, now, on to our trip around the web for this evening:

Hold on to your children's diapers!
Phyllis Schlafly discusses the latest example of the government taking parental control out of the hands of the parent. No big surpise that this decision comes from a Ninth Circuit that has produced fruity decisions many times in the past.

Journalist writing about journalist!
Suzanne Fields (one of my fave columnists discovered this year) writes about Maureen Dowd (NY Times 'journalist'). I would link to an article written by Maureen that I read a few days ago (an excerpt from what I'm sure is a not very good book), but the NY Times website does not allow you to get older articles without paying a fee, so, sorry everyone. Ms. Dowd has a new book coming out titled, Are Men Necessary? As Suzanne graciously points out, the book leaves the readers with questions, not answers. Something tells me that they are, but that may be because I have read Genesis and Ephesians. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Judges don't have funny bones, a lawyer should know that!
Apparently some lawyer has been posting anonymous comments about judges (and justices) around the country. He has recently been 'outed' (remind anyone of the 'Plame affair'?) and is now a little nervous (I can't imagine why - what if he has to go before one of the judges he's written about?).

Holiday shopping already?
First, Thanksgiving is next week, why is everything Christmas already out? Second, msn.com has done what it does for every holiday (including, I think, galleryfurniture.com day), although this is only the first installment for Christmas. The perfect gift for a man. The perfect gift for a woman. I guess what irks me is that I've never found any of their 'perfect' lists to be helpful.

The internet may soon undergo an overhaul.
Apparently the group who has been quietly managing the world wide web is about to lose its lease on whatever one has a lease on to do that. So, the world leaders are meeting in Tunisia to discuss the fate of the global community. Should be interesting. The most intriguing part of the article is the fact that the countries most vocally opposed to the group managing the net being privatized and centered in the US are countries with histories of repression and censorship (although most of the rest of the world is also against it). Or maybe it's the fact that in Uzbekistan, the government changes the pages its citizns can view without the citizens ever being aware of it. The article also gives a quick and dirty summary of how some countries deal with their citizens being online. Who knows how this one will turn out.

A little celebrity news:
Death row vigils bore me.
Not really, but Snoop Dogg going to death row vigils does. First, why is this news, and second, what makes him think that this convict does not deserve the death penalty?

I think I prefer Oprah's list (and I almost cried when she put a couple of my favorite books on her list).
50 Cent has some new books. I don't know if he's actually going to write them himself or if he'll get a ghostwriter like Hillary Clinton did or if other people are going to be writing books and he's just going to put them on his list.

And a little bit of sports news:
Congrats to OsU for beating a highly ranked Texas Tech team. Hope OU can follow that performance.

OU has crept into the BCS standings. Granted, at #25, but still, we're on the list!

K-State loses their coach!
Bill Snyder has announced that he will resign at the end of this season. That's really too bad, I liked him.


Kevin said...

Thanks for the wrap up! I believe it's 30.4 minutes...

Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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