Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Etsy Store

I've decided to become an entrepreneur.  Well, sort of.  It's kind of like this blog - I decided to restart it, but I have no followers, so I am literally talking to myself!  So, maybe my etsy shop will be the same - I'll list some items and no one will ever even look at them.  I guess we'll see :).

I've decided to use my new found sewing skills to make dresses for little girls.  I also have a pattern for ruffled bloomers, but I haven't even tried them yet, so I'll stick with the dresses for now.  It's a terrifically cute pattern I found on Pinterest whose creator blogs at Designed by DawnNicole.  She's an incredible blogger and a great teacher - her tutorials are wonderful.

Here's a link to the new store!


Monday, March 04, 2013

Why I love Pinterest

I resisted the urge to join Pinterest for a long time.  Well, I resisted the peer pressure, I guess is what I mean.  Similarly to series/books/movies that a lot of people like, I rather assume that if it's that popular, there's probably too much hype.  I should rethink this stance, probably, because I loved Harry Potter and The Hunger Games,  and enjoyed Game of Thrones.  I'm sure there are more examples, but those are the three I can think of - of course, I also hated Twilight, so there's a counterbalance.

So, I joined Pinterest sometime two years ago before our son was born and I didn't think about it much after joining.  I kept seeing friends post items from Pinterest on Facebook, but I didn't need another social networking site to keep up with.  Then, Tristan was born and I started staying up all night (as is usual when you have a newborn), and feeding him at what seemed like all hours of the day.  So, I started using Pinterest.  And, I have to admit, I love it!

Some people 'complain' about Pinterest making women (and, I suppose some men, but I suspect Pinterest is used mostly by women) feel bad about not exercising, not crafting, etc., but I have decided that is their problem.  Control Pinterest, don't let it control you or your emotions!  I guess that's the way I'd put it, anyway.

I use Pinterest for the crafts, the sewing projects, the recipes, the ideas for what one does with toddlers/children, the home ideas (cleaning and organization) and the garden ideas.  The garden ideas are for my husband because I have two brown thumbs, but he is pretty good at growing things and enjoys it.  I use the recipes, crafts ideas, and the sewing projects!  I love finding a new idea and seeing if it works into my lifestyle or if I want to make it.  It's really like following a lot of blogs all at once!

The other thing I love about Pinterest is the search function - I am currently looking for a bread recipe that would make good bread for sandwiches.  I've found 4-5 on Pinterest that I'm going to try and that was just by searching!

Keep on pinning, my friends ;).