Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Ultimate Battle of Good vs. Evil

UPDATE: Game One to Phoenix! 107-102

One battle down, bring on the rest of the war.

(Read this in the 'movie promoter's voice' - if you don't know what that is, call me and I'll explain (or I'll read it to you in the voice))

On Sunday, April 23rd, the battle begins...

Two teams will meet on up to seven occasions...

One team will emerge victorious...

Will Good...

Or Evil...


The World waits and watches to see...

(This message was not paid for by the NBA. The author of this post disclaims any possible connection of this post with the NBA other than the author's personal view on the NBA, the Phoenix Suns, or the Los Angeles Lakers.)


Kevin said...

Could it be, fair Suns fan, that you are just jealous of the enormous success the Lakers have had? Or perhaps you are looking to the future with a deep sense of forboding?

Teresa said...

It could be, my dearest Lakers fan, that I am merely excited about the possibilities that the first round holds for my beloved Suns. A chance to advance to the next round ;). However, I will admit that it is nice to see the Lakers returning to the playoffs. As long as they don't get to be as good as my Suns , I'll be okay with their success.

J. Smith said...

Ummm.... Okay - here I was expecting some profound religious post about the Last Battle at the end of the world, when the angels shall triumphantly win out over the demons, the Antichrist will be cast into eternal flame, and we shall see the Son of Man coming upon a cloud...

Instead, I see a post about a basketball game. Uh-huh. Will wonders never cease... *chuckle*

Teresa said...

A basketball game? Excuse me sir, but we are talking about the playoffs here, not about one single game. If the Suns pull off a championship, it very well might signal the end of the world (did I just say that?). Well, perhaps not, but it'd be pretty cool.

And, incidentally, you expected too much out of me for a Thursday afternoon, then, if that's what you were expecting. That is more of a 'right after finals, heave a great sigh of relief and write a long post because I finally have time' post idea. I'll give it some thought.