Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Abortion Thread Introduction

UPDATE: check out the post on Megan's blog - today's and yesterday's - they're pretty funny.

As the title suggests, this post is going to be an introduction to a topic that will take several posts to get through (I have too much to say on the subject, so each of the posts will probably be too long). Here are the posts I'm thinking we'll get through:

#1: Why abortion is objectively wrong/sinful (I don't want to attach anyone, but there is a reasoned explanation for it) and therefore, why Christians should not be heard to be saying, "I would never get one (allow someone I love to get one), but women should have the choice."
#2: Why Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, regardless of whether you accept post #1 or not, starting with a little known case called Griswold v. Connecticut.
#3: How the 'pro-choice' have hijacked the debate, through the language and emotional responses.
#4: The possible future(s) of abortion with the new changes on the SCOTUS and possible future new members.

Okay, I think that pretty much covers what I want to say about it - if I decide to add something else, I will do so.
Just in case the prior sections do not clue you into where I am coming from, here it is: I am pro-life and I believe that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided for several reasons, not just because abortion is wrong. I always like to let people know where I'm coming from before I start anything. So, now that we're introduced, watch for the next posts!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Well, I'm definitely looking forward to reading those posts!